On this episode of The CustomerX Files, Alison is joined by Kyle Yantis, Associate Director of Customer Success at SlapFive. It’s no secret; the past several months have been hard on marketers. Budgets and resources diminished, workloads increased, and transformation of roles. It’s no longer worth debating whether strong metrics belong in customer marketing. Metrics and showcasing ROI belong in marketing, period. It doesn’t matter which area of marketing you sit, we are the intersection of science and storytelling. In the episode Kyle provides concrete, actionable examples of ways to apply discipline and measure outcomes in areas such as operations, governance, and organizational impact. During a time when buying and implementing new technology might not be happening, it is advantageous to do the hard work – gain relationships, internal buy-in, and capital so when it comes time to expand a program, implement a new tool or technology, or ask for another resource, you’re well positioned for success.