Russell Rothstein
Co-Founder & CEO
PeerSpot’s Buying Intelligence Platform is where tech pros go to get practical, reliable information on enterprise tech, so they can be sure what they buy is exactly what they need. Powered by the world’s largest community of enterprise tech buyers, PeerSpot provides in-depth reviews, online forums, direct Q&A support and more, giving professionals the confidence to make the right decision and the happiness of reality meeting expectations.
Every reviewer is verified as a real user of the product within the last 12 months. If we aren’t sure it’s real, we won’t publish it.
At an average of 600 words per review, our reviews are in-depth and will always include both pros and cons so that buyers can make an informed decision.
PeerSpot is about more than reviews – users can ask for and share advice with peers throughout their buying process.
PeerSpot helps sellers reach buyers through the voice of their customers. We help sellers capture and leverage the authentic product feedback that users want to see when they’re conducting product research and due diligence.
The result?
Buyers get the information they need, while sellers reach more of the customers they want.