Understanding the Advantages of Managed Threat Protection vs. DIY SIEM
Effective cyber defense relies on a careful choreography between people
and technology. This sounds great, butthere are two profound problems that
surface in most IT and security departments: The people are hard to find,
and the technology is challenging to use. Recruiting staff who know how to
effectively operate SIEM technology can be a major challenge. What’s more,
SIEM platforms themselves are not easy to set up and maintain.
The combination of people, process, and technology through managed
security services and SIEM platforms is emerging as an increasingly popu-
lar alternative, as exemplified by Netsurion’s Managed Threat Protection.
This solution embodies comprehensive SIEM functions that provide the
same, or in some cases, better analytics, and threat intel, while providing the
Security Operations Center (SOC) expertise to ensure success. Operational
outcomes improve along the way. In this paper, PeerSpot users of the
Netsurion Managed Threat Protection solution discuss how it helps them
run successful security operations that prevent, detect, and respond, which
was not possible with SIEM only.
Read this PeerPaper based on real user reviews from PeerSpot.