Best Practices for Choosing a Cloud Optimization Solution

One of the greatest lessons of the cloud era is that the economic advantages
of the cloud come to those who make them happen. The cloud on its own
does not deliver improvements in application performance or financial
payoffs. In fact, the opposite can be true if cloud managers are not diligent.
The problem is that manual processes for managing cloud complexity are
impossible to perform at scale.
Automation is required to effectively guide cloud optimization processes.
An emerging breed of AI-driven cloud optimization solution now offers
such a capability. In this paper, PeerSpot members who use Turbonomic
weigh in on best practices for selecting such a cloud optimization solution.
In their view, the right solution will be one that puts the performance of the
application first, leverages automation, supports Kubernetes, and increases
IT productivity.
Read this PeerPaper based on real user reviews from PeerSpot.