Choose your own Adventure(s): Executing a Customer-led Marketing Strategy – DEFINE

February 21, 2023
I could quote Shakespeare, but instead, I’ll reiterate: It’s about damn time customer marketing found its rightful position driving strategy, not just supporting it – and if that means an adventure that will be exhilarating, exhausting, and terrifying, let’s do it.
There is still debate, years later, on the difference between customer marketing and customer advocacy. So, it’s not surprising that the debate is just getting started on what is customer-led marketing? And by extension, customer-led growth?
As I am eager to get started on this adventure, I don’t have years to dwell on semantics. However, what I can do is understand what CLM means to PeerSpot and create questions I will religiously ask myself to guide strategy AND prioritize projects:
❓ What value does the customer experience when I execute this strategy? And what value does PeerSpot see as a result?
❓How will the customer’s experience/expertise/voice be integrated into this (campaign, collateral, web content, event)?
❓What am I trying to say? How can a customer say it better?
❓What platforms can I create for customers to connect, and sell to each other?
❓Have I improved the customer experience enough through this initiative to make renewal a certainty?
Want to keep following the journey? Follow me on LinkedIn for all kinds of information, resources, and observations around customer-led marketing (and the occasional pet, kid, or vacation photo):
Note: Today’s adventure photo is of the note I left at the Western Wall in Jerusalem; such an incredibly moving place and my daughters were the very first people to come to mind.